I am a theoretical physicist working at the intersection of fundamental physics and quantum estimation theory. I currently hold a Surrey Future Fellowship.

Current research

Measurements allow us to interrogate nature. Progress in the foundations of physics thus demands a theory of measurements suitable for regimes where fundamental physics comes into play. To this end, I am developing the theory of a universally applicable framework for quantum metrology and estimation. Read more


My professional practice is guided by the following ideas:

  • Understanding time is one of the most important tasks of science
  • To get further insight on the foundations of physics, an effective approach is to address inconsistencies in regimes where conflicting physical theories may apply
  • By virtue of extending the propositional calculus, probability theory offers the best framework to connect physical theories with experiments
  • Science papers should not only inform, but also teach

What does a theoretical physicist do?

My job is to search for the general principles that govern nature and create a mathematical framework for their precise formulation. The motivation behind this is the identification of rational explanations for the phenomena that underpin human experience. Creating and understanding are thus my core activities.

*Please note that the short version of my name is either 'J. Rubio' or 'J. Rubio Jiménez', as 'Rubio Jiménez' are both surnames and I do not have a middle name.